
Tapping into Emotional Mastery with Jennifer Partridge


Deep Emotional Healing In Just Minutes A Day

The beauty of tapping is in its simplicity. Because even though it combines complex concepts in psychology, neuroscience, and Chinese philosophy, all you need to do is tap on specific parts of your body while reciting a series of positive statements.

It’s a process that only takes a few minutes a day, and costs you nothing.

As you tap, you’re releasing deep blockages from your body’s Meridian lines: a natural ‘energetic roadmap’ in your body that’s linked to your nervous system; and that stores the entirety of your emotional memories and trauma.

This is how tapping puts you back in the driver’s seat of your emotions, and enables you to find and heal the wounds causing you involuntary traumatic responses in your daily life: like pain, guilt, fear, anxiety, disconnection, self-doubt, and more.

The result is a deep rewiring of your neural pathways, and a profound shift in how you feel, think, and function in the world.

Tapping is a powerful, safe, and easy-to-use tool that’s transforming countless lives, and gaining more and more acceptance in the mainstream medical community.

And with the Tapping Into Emotional Mastery program by acclaimed tapping expert Jennifer Partridge, you’re guided through every step of embodying it as a simple and rewarding daily practice.

Meet Your Meridian Lines

Tapping points and organs diagram

Meridian lines are the points in your body that you focus on as you practice tapping. The concept was first presented in ancient Chinese philosophy, and has since become increasingly accepted by modern science and medicine. A growing body of governments and insurance companies around the world have even started approving meridian line-based treatment for various ailments.

About Jennifer Partridge, Creator Of Tapping Into Emotional Mastery


Jennifer Partridge is a world-renowned tapping expert, author, speaker, and Coming from a background of deep emotional trauma and childhood abuse, Jennifer first started exploring tapping as a way to heal her own wounds. The outcome was so profound that she made it her life’s purpose to empower others through tapping and the gift of emotional mastery it brings. facilitator of human potential.

Today, Jennifer is a prolific authority on emotional healing. She speaks on stages around the world, writes books, and collaborates with luminaries like Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, Don Miguel Ruiz, and many more.

The Tapping Into Mastery program presents an opportunity for anyone to learn Jennifer’s unique approach to tapping, and step into a new life of emotional freedom and mastery.

What You’ll Learn

  1. Master Your Emotions.

    Gain a deep awareness of your personal emotional landscape, and discover how to harness tapping to embrace, work through, and heal your emotions. With this emotional mastery in hand, you’ll be able to make peace, self-love, and joy your default states.

  2. Upgrade Your Beliefs.

    Discover how to identify self-sabotaging limiting beliefs stuck in your energy body, and not just release them – but transmute them into empowering beliefs and patterns that uplift you instead of drag you down.

  3. Unconditional Self-Love.

    Learn how to detach your sense of self-worth from the need for external validation – so that no matter what happens to you or around you, you’re always grounded by an unshakable love and respect for yourself.

  4. Energy Body Awareness.

    Become so connected to your energy body and Meridian lines, that you can intuitively sense when a blockage or negative charge is nudging you off course – and quickly return to your truth and your balance.

  5. Healing From Trauma.

    Find out how to face your traumas, clean up your energetic blueprint, and move past disempowering memories and experiences from the past – all from a space of safety, love, and non-judgment.

  6. Connect To Your Higher Self.

    Detach from your preconceived notions, and learn how to see yourself from a ‘bird’s eye view’ – where your authentic nature, your deepest truths, and your highest purpose become crystal clear to you.

  7. Enhance Your Intuition.

    Use tapping to connect to your sixth sense, and gain accurate inner guidance that points you towards the best choices to make and paths to take – even when your conscious mind doesn’t necessarily know the answers.

  8. Profound Joy & Happiness.

    By mastering your emotional landscape, you’ll also gain the ability to choose happiness as your baseline emotion – and quickly return to it, even when life brings you sadness or discomfort.

The Curriculum

Explore The Tapping Into Emotional Mastery Curriculum

Tapping Into Emotional Mastery is a 28-day online journey towards a lifetime of emotional and energetic wellness.

You’ll join Jennifer Partridge herself for just 15 – 20 minutes a day, as she guides you through easy-to-follow video lessons, tapping exercises, and Soul Shift Challenges that give you mastery of this transformational practice.

The program is divided into seven levels: each one an eye-opening experience that immerses you in a unique aspect of your emotional and energetic landscape, and shines light on the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that silently shape your life.

By the end of your journey, you’ll emerge with all the tools and perspectives you need to adopt a lifelong tapping practice for emotional healing, overcoming adversity, and showing up as the best, most empowered version of you – all in just a few short minutes a day.

Tapping Into Emotional Mastery on multiple devices

Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV

Your journey begins with a deep dive into the fundamentals of tapping. You’ll explore what tapping really is, how your emotions and energy body function, and how to build a strong foundation for a tapping practice that becomes a transformational and consistent part of your daily life.

Highlights include:

  • Listening to your body’s wisdom: discover how to connect with your body, and interpret the signals it sends you as bread crumbs towards your innermost truths and deepest healings.
  • Engaging with your emotions: learn how to embrace your emotions – even the painful and negative ones – and work through them to bring yourself back to peace and happiness.
  • Rewiring your beliefs: understand the beliefs you’ve been programmed with throughout your life, and how to deactivate and replace the ones that don’t serve you, with ones that uplift you.
  • Tapping into cosmic intelligence: explore how you can even use tapping to transcend your own body, and access a plane of cosmic intelligence – where the answers you seek await.
  • And much more…

Your final level is a celebration of how far you’ve come. You’ll reflect on your growth, connect with your biggest breakthroughs, and lock in a lifelong relationship with your energy body and your emotions through a regular and rewarding tapping practice.

Highlights include:

  • Setting your inner compass: go within, release all external influences and suggestions, and learn to trust your soul, as it guides you towards your most fruitful choices and destinations.
  • Forging deeper connections: learn how to trust, develop, and create deeper connections with the people who matter to you – and gain them as allies on your healing path.
  • Building cosmic confidence: upon setting your intentions for your near and distant future, discover how to share them with the universe, and gain a cosmic ally on your journey.
  • Remembering your brilliance: before you set off on your new life of emotional mastery, take a moment to connect with your brilliance, and know that it’s always available to you, at your fingertips.
  • And much more…

28 Lessons                         10 Hours 7 mins                          998 Enrolled

Frequent questions

  • Is the price in dollars? A: Yes, it is value is in dollars (USD)
  • In what language is it? A: The course is in English
  • Is the price for the full value of the course? A: Yes, you pay only once.
  • Can I get access to the group? No, these courses do not have groups.
  • What will I get when I buy in this Store? A: You will get the full course, videos, audios, and course files that are stored in our own backup cloud.
  • After making the payment … What should I do? A: After the purchase, you will receive a receipt of your purchase and the link of your product to the email that you put in the purchase form. You can also download your course in the same Store. See video tutorial below.

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